Izgradnjom željezničke pruge koja prolazeći kroz Ogulin spaja Zagreb i Rijeku, a dovršena je 1873. godine, stvoreni su preduvjeti za gospodarski razvoj grada.

Željeznica je u život građana Ogulina donijela nove mogućnosti razvoja trgovine i obrta koji su do tada bio slabo razvijeni.

Na starim razglednicama iz fundusa Zavičajnog muzeja Ogulin posebno je zanimljiv motiv parne lokomotive koja prolazi kroz željeznički tunel u ogulinskom naselju Sveti Petar, s planinom Klek u pozadini.


The construction of the railway that passes through Ogulin connecting Zagreb and Rijeka, which was completed in 1873, created the preconditions for the economic development of the city.

The railway brought new opportunities for the development of trade and crafts in the lives of the citizens of Ogulin, which had been poorly developed until then.

On old postcards from the holdings of the Ogulin Heritage Museum, there is a particularly interesting motif of a steam locomotive passing through a railway tunnel in the Ogulin settlement of Sveti Petar, with the Klek mountain in the background.

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