U prošlosti naziva Gospodska ulica, potom Ulica 1. maja a danas Ulica Bernardina Frankopana, osnivača Ogulina, bila je, zajedno sa Nazorovom ulicom, ucrtana na prvu poznatu kartu grada Ogulina, iz tzv. Jozefinskog premjera iz 18. stoljeća.

Frankopanova ulica je već tada imala funkciju glavne ulice i uz nju su podignute reprezentativne zidane kuće, no gotovo niti jedna kuća ucrtana na toj karti nije se sačuvala u izvornom obliku do danas.

Na ovim prikazima vidljiv je središnji dio nekadašnje Gospodske ulice na mjestu današnjih semafora, sa bivšom knjižarom i papirnicom (slika 1) koja je izgorjela 1945. godine i bivšom žandarmerijskom postajom (slika 2).


On the occasion of the thousandth anniversary of the coronation, a monument to the first Croatian king Tomislav was unveiled in the park on 8 August 1926.

Called Gospodska Street in the past, then Ulica 1. maja (1st May Street) and today Ulica Bernardina Frankopana (Bernandin Frankopan Street), named after the founder of Ogulin, it was drawn on the first known map of the city of Ogulin, together with Nazorova Street, from the so-called Josephine survey from the 18th century.

Frankopanova Street already had the function of the main street at that time and representative brick houses were erected next to it, but almost no house drawn on that map has been preserved in its original form to this day.

These depictions show the central part of the former Gospodska Street on the location of today’s traffic lights, with a former bookstore and paper shop (Photo 1) that burned down in 1945 and a former gendarmerie station (Photo 2).

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