Centar Ogulina je 1847. godine dobio vodovod, no većina građana nije imala pitku vodu u svojim kućama, već se donosila s fontana, ili po ogulinski funtana kojih je bilo u svim dijelovima grada. Pored nekih funtana nalazila su se i korita iz kojih se napajala stoka, a bila su to mjesta druženja odraslih i djece.

Jedina sačuvana funtana, osim vrela Cesarovac u parku kralja Tomislava, je Lovrićeva funtana na kraju Mucekove ulice. Ime je dobila po obitelji Lovrić koja živi u blizini funtane.


The center of Ogulin received water supply in 1847, but most of the citizens did not have drinking water in their houses, so it was brought from the fountains or funtane, which were all over the town. Next to some fountains, there were also troughs from which cattle were fed, and these were places for adults and children to socialize.

The only preserved fountain, apart from the Cesarovac spring in King Tomislav Park, is Lovrićeva fountain at the end of Mucekova Street. It was named after the Lovrić family who lived near the fountain.

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